Aims and Objectives of theSociety
The aims of Justice for Counsellors are two -fold:
1. To offer support to members and other Counsellors who are informed that they are the subject of complaints made under the 'Professional Conduct' umbrella.
This support to be -
(a) Practical and supportive in a non-therapeutic way at the outset; a first port of call. Free of charge to members.
(b) Further practical support up to and including the hearing if practicable and if required.
2. To represent Counsellors in negotiations with counselling regulatory bodies (such as BACP) in order to have an input into the process of Professional Conduct cases, and in the formulation of policy and to ensure fairness for all in proceedings.
Notes: These are current aspirations, we are currently working on a constitution and hope soon to make ourselves known to a wider audience in order to attract more members. Obviously the more we have, the more infuence we may also have.
We need volunteers to help with the answering of calls and offering one session of support. Membership fees when needed will be nominal, there is no intention to make a profit but funds may well be needed to cover expenses of people acting as 'friends', professional advice etc.
As soon as we have sufficient response, a meeting will be set up for everyone to come together to discuss aims and objectives, vote in officers etc.
What We are NOT
We are in no way supportive of malpractice or unethical conduct of any sort. However, we believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty through a fair, balanced and unbiased process, and that all people are entitled to non-judgemental support during the process.