Blog, News and Developments
Welcome to the Justice4counsellorsuk blog. I hope to keep you up to date with developments as they happen here. First-there are lots of 'hits' on the counter and yet not many of you are leaving messages or using the discussion board. If you have visited I imagine that you must have at least a little bit of interest in the process of Professional Conduct proceedings, so please don't be shy, no-one is going to reveal your name or comments without your express written consent-let us hear your story or views, there is a team now, working together on all of this and we really would appreciate information that might help us all. You can be anonymous if you want although obviously more weight will be given to people ready to identify themselves.
I don't kow if BACP or anyone else monitors or visits us, it's taken a while to get the site visible on the web and we are still working on that, but the email link is to a private email address and will be secure. We can call you and take it from there.
Current News
Firstly, contacts with others who have been through the complaints process reveals that there appears to be a pattern of what might fairly be regarded as Bullying used against defendants, and that certain recurring themes and names are coming up in discussions. Reading the BACP's own tracts on bullying and their Code of Conduct regarding respect and the Core Conditions of counselling also makes interesting reading when compared to the actual experiences of the survivors of this process.
Things are moving forward, other organisations and people of influence are being made aware and are becoming involved, I have been in contact with, among others, the T.U.C to investigate Union protection for vulnerable independent practitioners.
Having said that, this blog must necessarily be discreet for obvious reasons.
If you too are wondering how it is that an organisation can rampage through peoples' careers in the world of counselling and psychotherapy insult, bully and abuse them, run their careers and maybe their lives into the ground and yet who are responsible to absolutely no-one but themselves can get away with it, then get in touch.
Things are moving and we need you to help.
Update September 2012
We are now in contact with more people, both those who have been through the experience and some official bodies. The time is approaching when we shall start taking action and trying to shine a light on this previously dark and hidden process.
The thrust is two-fold: The current system used is in need of updating and great improvement if there is to be an actual investigation into complaints that is fair to all instead of the current de facto prosecution conducted by BACP. and, a guarantee that the BACP and those representing them and prosecuting on their behalf abide by the BACP's own framework regarding respect etc, and that they conduct themselves in a decent and polite manner. On this latter point, it is becoming abundantly clear that this is simply not the case and quite outrageous and humiliating treatment of defendants is seemingly common. PLEASE get in touch if you can help support us or are prepared to support others caught up in the process. You can speak to a male or female if that helps and we absolutely promise to respect confidentiality..
Contact us direct on - Representatives now in London/South East, MIdlands/West Country, Wales and Scotland.
Quicklink to our dedicated email.
Volunteer to Help Please...
Please get in touch if you are either happy to discuss setting up a mutual support network and also if you can help us by telling us of your experience or any other information or types of assistance that might be useful in our quest for real and proper support and protection for counsellors. We are currently sourcing independent legal advice and are happy to listen to anyone with appropriate experience.
New Aims and Objectives page-please read-better still, volunteer and get in touch!
Mr Keith Rice- account of his Experience with BACP
Amongst those who have been in contact with us is Mr Keith Rice, he had an encounter with the BACP Professional Conduct system a couple of years ago and published his account on the internet for the information of others.
He has kindly given us permission to publish a link to his website (see end of paragraph) and the reader might be interested to draw their own conclusions regarding incompetence, bias and disregard for human rights, described by Mr Rice, and their own experience or that described elsewhere on this site.
Mr Rice is not personally known to me and the responsibility for his comments is of course, his own.
It is, however, eerily familiar even though it took place years earlier.
Link to Keith Rice's page